With the help of our new partner school, pupils will strive to learn more about French culture and develop our French language skills!
Ecole Maternelle Scarron
We are very excited to have partnered with a school in France, Ecole Maternelle Scarron, to find out more about French culture and what life is like for children at school there.
Here is a tour of the school, which the staff and pupils have sent us:
In response, our wonderful Year 6 pupils have created a video to welcome the pupils to Toner Avenue School. With the help of Miss Little, they have translated the video into French! Please take a look at their fabulous work: TONER AVENUE SCHOOL TOUR
At Christmas time, we exchanged decorations with our partner school. Our reception children made snowflakes for them and we sent information to the pupils about how we celebrate Christmas in the UK. In return, we received beautiful decorations along with information about how Christmas is celebrated in France. Take a look!
Georges Seurat Tour Eiffel
Our partner school showed us the famous artwork by Georges Seurat of the Eiffel Tower. We recreated our own versions of this landmark art work and shared our final products with them. After that, we shared the landmarks that are local to us and found out the French translations
Take a look at what we created!
Learning French
In Nursery children use everyday French phrases such as ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, ‘stand up’, ‘sit down’, ‘line up’, ‘well done’, ‘thank you’ and ‘excuse me’ amongst others!
In KS2, we are very lucky to be taught French by a specialist teacher, Madame Smith!
Year 4 have been working extremely hard and have even learned a rap all about animals!

In Year 3, pupils have performed a fantastic French Nativity for their parents. All of the spoken language was in French. Fantastique!
As part of our Christmas Service, the children learned a beautiful French Hymn ‘Etoile de Noel’, which was all about the Christmas Star! They sounded beautiful, when they sang it in the church for all of their parents/carers. The words are attached below – can you work out what the song means?
In addition to their fabulous performance, Year 3 have been working hard learning French as part of their weekly KS2 lessons. Have a look at some of their amazing work! We have even learnt a song all about the weather in the different places of France.
In Year 5, we have been learning about the world, food & drink, body parts and sports. Have a look at some of our fabulous work on food and drink; where we read some authentic texts as well as wrote descriptions of our very unique Monsieur Casse-Croute (Mr Snack).
We enjoy singing songs to enhance our understanding of French. Below are some of our favourite songs; one about ice-creams, one about where do you live and one about telling the time.
We sent videos of our singing to our partner school in France. We received this message in response: