“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

Vincent van Gogh

Healthy School Curriculum lead – Mr A Thompson

Curriculum Intent

At Toner Avenue Primary School, we aim to develop the knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary for mental, social, emotional and physical well-being in our children now and for their future. We aim to do this through a broad and balanced curriculum focusing on the holistic development of the child. In our school, we ensure opportunities are provided for children to exercise regularly to support their health and fitness. A key priority is being able to reflect on how healthy food and exercise choices positively impact on our mental health as well as providing opportunities to explore the negative impact on unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Curriculum Implementation

At Toner Avenue Primary School, Healthy Schools is delivered across a range of subjects in our school: primarily through Science, PSHE and Physical Education.

  • There is a planned, spiral curriculum for healthy eating, cooking and nutrition in all year groups, in line with the National Curriculum.
  • Our curriculum provides a range of opportunities for pupils to have a good understanding, appropriate to their age, of how to eat healthily and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Pupils are taught the necessary life skills to help them to live a healthy lifestyle through cooking and nutrition. Cooking and nutrition is included within our design and technology curriculum.
  • Up-to-date risk assessments are completed for all food related activities (such as tasting and cooking) which refer to pupil allergies, equipment and food safety. These are shared with all staff.
  • Teachers demonstrate good levels of knowledge, confidence and expertise when teaching cooking, nutrition and health eating.
  • Pupil voice is very important and children are given the opportunity to have their views heard e,g in school council meetings about food and nutrition within school.

Curriculum Impact

Our pupils discuss their diet and exercise choices daily with their peers and staff. Staff talk to children about their snacks, discussing whether they are healthy or not and imparting knowledge of the impact of either a healthy or unhealthy snack can have on our bodies. Our pupils engage with physical activity with great enthusiasm and understand the effects of exercise on the body. We currently have the Healthy School Award.


Remember, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.