Breakfast Club at Toner Avenue
Booking and Cost Information
The cost to attend Breakfast Club will now be £1 per day, £5 per week. You must book your child’s place one week in advance. We will send out a form for you to complete each week which will let you state which days your child will attend for the following week. Payment must also be made a week in advance however if this is not possible, please state this on the booking form. If your arrears increase and payments are not being made then your child will not be allowed to attend until this is cleared.
Payment can be made via ParentPay or with cash at the school office. To pay with cash, payment should be put into an envelope, clearly marked with your child’s name and days they will be attending.
If your child has any food allergies this must be stated on the booking form.
Breakfast Club is open between 8 – 8.20am.
This is for Reception to Year 6 children. Parents/carers MUST bring children into the big hall located at the front of school where you will be asked to sign your child in. This is for safeguarding purposes. Please do not send your child in independently.
The staff car park should not be used for drop off. We also ask that you do not park on the road adjacent to the main gate. The parents’ car park will be open for you to use.
What is on offer?
A varied menu of food is provided through Greggs Breakfast club
A range of games and activities are set up for children to access during the morning. A coach is also employed to deliver physical activities each morning to the breakfast club children.