We have 2 Nursery rooms at Toner Avenue (Apply Now)
One room is 30 hours. This room is for up to 22 children. The sessions are all day Monday to Friday. Children access lunch in the small hall.

The second room is currently accessed by all children who are entitled to 30 hours provision and 15 hours. This room is for up to 26 children. The 30 hour children come in full time Monday to Friday 8.45am – 3.15pm. Our 15 hour children either do 5 mornings or 5 afternoon sessions. Children will stay in school for lunch in the small hall if they attend full time. If accessing school meals then there is a charge.
If you believe you are entitled to 30 hours then you need to apply for a code with the local authority, which school will verify.
This link will support you in applying :-

Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis for a September start following your child’s 3rd birthday. If we have spaces remaining, we may be able to offer you a place during the year, once your child turns 3.
To apply for a place please complete this online form – Nursery Application Form