“Play is the work of a child.”

Maria Montessori

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” 

George Bernard Shaw

EYFS curriculum lead – Mrs G Hughes

Curriculum Intent

  • Raise aspirations and open our children’s eyes and minds to the world beyond their local environment.
  • Equip our children with the experiences they need to live happy and healthy lives.
  • Be curious, adventurous, creative, knowledgeable and positive independent learners.
  • Build resilience in our children and promote positive wellbeing and mindset.
  • Inspire our children to be the best they can be.

Curriculum Implementation

  • Allowing children to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through a combination of play based and adult led sessions.
  • Providing quality first teaching.
  • Using focused, robust assessment to identify children’s interests, inform planning and to track progress.
  • Implement intervention programs tailored to the needs of the children.
  • Using our continuous provision to provide the children with a stimulating environment where they can develop their independence, innovation, creativity, enquiry, analysis and problem-solving skills independently using the Characteristics of Effective Learning.
  • Use the Early Years Statutory Framework (2017 DFE) as a basis for all that we do.

Involving our community to become the heart of our curriculum.

Curriculum Impact

  • For children to make rapid progress throughout the 7 areas of learning.
  • For the children to develop into effective learners who are motivated and well equipped to achieve and succeed.
  • For the children to develop a strong moral compass to take with them into the wider world, to make a difference in their own and others’ lives.
  • Independent learners
  • Confident communicators
  • Global Citizens rich in their own Cultural Capital.