In Year 5 we have really enjoyed reading and writing about Robot Girl by Malorie Blackman and The Tempest by William Shakespeare. The children have produced excellent writing, well done everyone!
Today we virtually welcomed a Viking visitor to Toner! We learned all about Viking jobs, games, trade and language. We then had the opportunity to ask questions and found out that Viking children would not have gone to school, they’d be married by twelve and sadly die at around forty! We were so proud of the children because they listened so carefully and asked very interesting questions. Thank you to Ms McCabe for organising.
This week, a little later than we had hoped, we were able to go to our attendance shop. This attendance shop was on wheels and came to our classrooms which was super fun!
We were all so excited to be able to pick our prizes which ranged from superhero masks, squishies, snap bands and much more! Our most popular prize was definitely the slinky!
Jeff Kinney author visit – In Year 5 we were lucky to be involved in a Virtual Author visit with Jeff Kinney (Diary of a Wimpy Kid books) last week. The children really enjoyed hearing about his writing process and how the front covers are designed. His books have flown off the shelves in our library and I know his new book has been added to Christmas lists!
Well done to our wonderful Stars of the Week this week.
Well done to all our wonderful stars of the week this week. We are so proud of you all!
Congratulations to everyone and keep it up!
Wow, it was so wonderful to hold our first parent event in almost two years! Thank you to everyone who came to support our McMillian Coffee Morning and huge thanks to Year 6 and the staff for all their hard work in organising this event.
The Year 6 pupils are currently distributing the remaining cakes to classes and we will let you know the total amount raised as soon as the donations are counted.
Thank you to everyone who donated cakes and biscuits – we had so may that we took some to our lovely neighbours to brighten their day. All of the packets that are left will be dropped off a Hebburn Helps today.
This year we are supporting the Macmillan Cancer Support by taking part in the worlds biggest coffee morning! The Year 6 children will be hosting the coffee morning and raffle in the school hall from 9:15am on Friday 24th September and we really hope to see you all there!!
All children are invited to bring in a voluntary donation towards the purchase of a cake of their choice in order to raise money for this fantastic cause.
Cake donations would also be greatly appreciated. These can be brought in by children and will be collected from classes by Year 6 before Friday.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you there!
Today saw our first attendance shop of the year, where we were allowed to spend the stars we had earned before summer. With the bubbles closing at the end of the last school year, we were unable to run an attendance shop for everyone. We all had so much fun spending our stars and we can’t wait to start earning our stars for the next shop at Christmas!
A huge congratulations to Y5JN and Y6VO who managed a fantastic 100% attendance last week!!
Congratulations on your attendance awards, a perfect start to the year!
Well done and keep it up!!