Welcome to Year 4 PE

Welcome to Year Four!

On our class page you will be able to find information about our class and view photos of our varied activities, including our Welly Week adventures.

You will also find useful links to support learning at home.


Some reminders for Spring term:

-Our PE day is a Tuesday and Wednesday, children need to be dressed in a plain white T-shirt and black leggings/trousers  with their school jumper on top.


-Y4PE change their reading books on a Monday, please ensure children are recording their reads on seesaw or using the reading record sheet handed out every Monday. This is so I am able to count their reads towards the end of term reading treat.


-Children will be working on their times tables throughout year 4. We encourage as much practice as possible. Children can log into times tables rockstars to help.

We hope you enjoy viewing our Year Four page.

Miss Evans


Latest News

Useful Links

Parents Course to Learn more about phonics

Times Table Rockstars



Phonics Play