Welcome to Year 3 OS

Welcome to Year Three!

This year the children will enjoy an exciting transition from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two.  We aim to make this move as smooth as possible by continuing to develop the children’s independence and by inspiring the children through an exciting new curriculum.

On our class page, you will be able to find information about our class and view photos of our varied activities. You will also find class letters, homework tasks and useful links to support learning at home.

We hope you enjoy viewing our page!

Miss Smith


Key Y3OS Information:

Our PE day is a Tuesday. The children need to be dressed in a plain white t-shirt and black leggings/trousers with their school jumper on top.

Y3OS change their books on a Thursday. Please return the children’s reading books every Thursday. Reads should be recorded using Seesaw so that I can count the children’s reads before their Reading Reward.

All children should have received a Handwriting Booklet. A page is to be completed each week and returned on a Friday for marking. Any child that completes their Handwriting work will receive a Gold Merit.

Children will complete spellings throughout the week in their Phonics lessons. These are based on their phonics sounds covered in lessons each week so spellings will not be sent home to practice.

Latest News

Useful Links

Times Tables Rockstars 


Reading Plus

Keyboard Jump – Typing Game