Welcome to Year 1 CH

Welcome to Year One!

On our class page you will be able to find information about our class and view photos of our varied activities, including our Welly Week adventures.

You will also find useful links to support learning at home.

Check back every Friday when we will update you with our wonderful Star of the Week!

We hope you enjoy viewing our Year One page.

Mrs Hunt

Important Information!

Reading books will be sent home every Monday and need to be returned to school by Friday of the same week.

Please provide your child with a book bag or suitable folder to keep the books safe.

P.E. is every Tuesday.

Please send your child into school in their P.E. kit – black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, white

T-shirt, school jumper and trainers.

Upcoming trips

As part of our Geography topic, ‘Our Local Area’, we will be taking a walk through Hebburn, looking at different features of our town and visiting the Post Office!

As part of our R.E. topic, we will be visiting St. John’s church and learning about features of the church.

Latest News


Useful Links