The fabulous Anne Malabar from ground works came to visit us to complete a litter pick.
First we had a discussion about how litter affect people and animals…and the world. Then we got into groups of 3/4 and everyone had a job to do. We had a bag holder, a tally keeper and a litter picker. Everyone swapped roles after 8 minutes so we all had a turn.
We only managed to get to the school car park before we saw tonnes of litter. We set to work straight away and hopefully improved the environment around our school.
Once we got back, we counted the tallies and checked who collected the most litter.
Team collected 96 pieces
Team collected 82 pieces
Team 3 collected 110 pieces
team 4 collected 41 pieces
Team 5 collected 78 pieces.
All just from our school car park!
James said he felt guilty that we’ve let our school get this way.
Piper said she felt disgusted.
Maisie felt excited because it was fun to do something nice for our school.
We hope to work with Anne again soon on our next venture! We had a great morning. She was also an expert at learning all of our names.