This year, at Toner Avenue, we aim to achieve the International School Award through the British Council.

Please keep checking back throughout the year, as we provide our pupils with opportunities to broaden their knowledge of countries, cultures and faiths from around the world!

For more information, please see our International School Policy: International School Policy 2023

Partner School

We are very excited that this year we have established a partnership with a school near Paris, France.

Ecole Maternelle Scarron is a school for children aged 3-5. Throughout the year, we will communicate through emails, letters and videos to find out more about what life is like in France.

They have sent us a video of their school. Please take a look: Ecole Maternelle Scarron School Tour

The themes of our international learning are:

  • Identity and Belonging
  • Sustainable Living
  • Conflict and Peace
  • Fairness and Equality
  • Rights and Responsibilities

Our main projects this year are:

  1. France
  2. World Faiths & Festivals
  3. Our Beautiful World
  4. Arts Around the World
  5. Europe
  6. Food Around the World
  7. World Conflict & Peace
  8. Africa
  9. America
  10. Books


With the help of our new partner school, pupils will strive to learn more about French culture and develop our French language skills!


As part of our RE curriculum, pupils will explore faiths from around the world, as well as how festivals are celebrated in other countries.


Using our science, PSHE and geography curriculums to help us, we will explore our ever-changing planet. Our pupils will discuss issues such as Fairtrade, climate change and global warming. Pupils will also explore geographical features from around the world, such as climates, rivers and mountains.


Later in the year, pupils will have the opportunity to take part in an arts week. They will celebrate music and art from around the world. They will also explore history of music and artists from different countries and cultures throughout the year, as part of the curriculum.

In Year 3, pupils will perform a French nativity – all spoken in French, while Year 4 will perform ‘Greece is the Word’ later in the year.


Our LKS2 pupils will take part in an in-depth study of a European country. In Year 3, pupils will discover more about Italy, whereas in Year 4 pupils will learn all about Greece. Pupils will learn the history of these places, geographical elements and, in DT, they will even make foods from those countries!


Pupils will have the opportunity to discover more about ingredients and dishes from around the world. From EYFS to UKS2, pupils will have the chance to try and make foods from around the world, including: Chinese dishes, Greek Salad, Pizza and Brazilian stew!


Our Year 6 pupils will study World War II – they will explore the causes of the war, historical events and the geography of war. They will discuss the treatment of different groups of people.


In Year 2, pupils will take part in a study of Kenya, whilst Year 4 study Egypt. Both year groups will learn about the geographical elements of both places, with elements of history and cultures of both countries.


In KS1 and in UKS2, pupils will study aspects of America. Year 1 pupils will study explorers, including the expeditions of Christopher Columbus and the treatment of the people during his discoveries. Year 2 pupils will learn about the story of Mary Seacole, while Year 6 pupils discuss and study the Windrush Generation and their journey from Jamaica to the UK. Additionally, our Year 5 pupils will complete a study based around Brazil.


Across school, from EYFS to Year 6, pupils will have the opportunity to read books and texts, which explore a variety of cultures, issues and settings from around the world.